Saturday, March 15, 2008

Good Friday to Sunday = 2 full days. Jesus said he'd rise after 3 days and 3 nights.

When did Jesus really rise from the dead?

Most Christians celebrate from Good Friday until Sunday. However Friday to Sunday is only two night, and not even two full days. Jesus told us over and over again he'd after 3 days and 3 nights. Well, then whose right. Are Christians right, or was Jesus right? Even if you think it is friday to sunday then that is fine, but you can't really debate with me about 3 days and nights, cause it just doesn't work out.

There are many clues that Christ left in the bible that would help us to kind of figure out when was his crucifixion and his resurrection.

Matthew 12:40

40for just as (A)JONAH WAS THREE DAYS AND THREE NIGHTS IN THE BELLY OF THE SEA MONSTER, so will (B)the Son of Man be (C)three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.

Cross references:
Matthew 12:40 : Jon 1:17
Matthew 12:40 : Matt 8:20
Matthew 12:40 : Matt 16:21

The Jewish traditions had weekly sabbaths and annual sabbaths. The year that Christ was crucified was an annual sabbath. Which was a Thursday.

Remember in my pervious article how I told you about Nisan, the 1st month of the Jewish Calendar. That was when the Jews would celebrate passover, the 14th day into the new year.

In 33 A.D the last passover meal that Jesus ate took place on a Tuesday evening, which was the 13th evening of the Passover. This would have meant that evening Judas betray Christ.

Tuesday Nisan 13
Jesus and the twelve disciples come into Jerusalem from Bethany, to partake of the Passover meal.

Jesus ate an early-evening Passover meal with His disciples. After the meal, the walks with His disciples towards the Mt. of Olives.

Jesus was betrayed by Judas at the olive grove in Gethsemane, arrested and brought before the high priest, Caiaphas.

Trial ends at daybreak.

Wednesday Nisan 14
Preparation day for the annual, not weekly, Sabbath.

In the morning, Jesus was brought before Pilate the governor.

Jesus was crucified and dies around 3PM

Jesus' body was placed in the tomb at twilight

Night One
Annual Sabbath begins at sunset. Sunset at this time of year in Jerusalem, is about 6:30 to 7:00 PM.

Thursday Nisan 15

Day One
This was the first annual Sabbath or high-day - the first day of Unleavened Bread.

Tomb is guarded and secured by sealing it with a stone.
Night Two
The annual Sabbath ends at sunset.

Friday Nisan 16

Day Two
With the annual Sabbath now over, the women bought and prepared spices for anointing Jesus' body.
Night Three
The weekly Sabbath begins at sunset Friday night. No work is to be done as commanded in the fourth commandment.

Saturday Nisan 17

Day Three
The weekly Sabbath.
The women rested on the weekly Sabbath.

Jesus rose around sunset, exactly three days and three nights (72 hours) after burial, to fulfill the sign of Jonah and authenticate Jesus' messiahship.
The weekly Sabbath ends at sunset Saturday night.

Sunday Nisan 18

The women brought the prepared spices early in the morning while it was still dark. When they arrived they found that Jesus had already arisen.

It only makes sense that Christ would be crucified on Wednesday and Risen on Saturday Evening.

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